6 Myths & Facts Tradeline Doubters Don’t Want You to Uncover

Young woman with finger on lips, close-up

You have to be careful what you believe in regards to anything you deal with, but when it comes to financial topics, you need to be extra careful. There’s a lot of information that gets passed around, and some of it just isn’t right. If you’ve never heard of tradelines, you might be trying to […]

Stimulus Payments and Your Credit Score

With so much uncertainty in the world, you may begin to wonder when non-essential businesses will start to operate again. Nobody really knows for sure if COVID-19 is going to have a second wave, and this is making many Americans uneasy. You might also have your own uncertainties you’re dealing with. Will you have a […]

How Do Credit Scoring Systems Consider Authorized User Tradelines?

stack of credit cards on keyboard

Many consumers are perplexed as to how tradelines can assist them with their credit scores. These scores tend to be a bit mysterious as there are numerous paths to attaining both poor and good credit. There is not just a single answer, and in many cases, the best course of action for a consumer is […]

Credit Repair vs. Adding Tradelines: What’s the Difference?

fix your credit written in marker on board

If your credit score is lower than you would like, you’re probably looking for ways to raise it. Since your credit score has significant influence on your borrowing power, it’s worth the effort you put into improving it. Whether you report is marred by collections accounts or you’ve had a history of late payments, there […]

Are Tradelines Ethical?

right or wrong

Selling and buying tradelines is a good way to boost your own credit. However, over the years, many economists have raised the question, “Are tradelines ethical?” The main issue raised with tradelines is that people believe they are an artificial method of boosting credit scores and that they give people the ability to access a […]

5 Questions Every Authorized User Should Ask When Buying Tradelines

Questions Every Authorized User Should Ask When Buying Tradelines

No financial investment or decision should be made without a fair bit of consideration on your part first. If you are thinking of becoming an authorized user of a tradeline as a way of boosting your credit score, then you need to answer some questions first so that the process works in your favor and […]
