What Are “Bumped” or “Chopped” Credit Inquiries?

If you have a long and well-established credit history, credit inquiries might not matter much to you. For people with new credit or who only recently built decent to excellent credit, it can sometimes take just one injury for scores to dip by up to 30 points. This can be discouraging when building or repairing […]

Why Monitoring Your Credit Is a Great Way To Boost Your Score

Coast Tradelines

To be clear, simply monitoring credit will not cause your credit score to improve. It provides support for the activities that do boost your credit score. Before you start, it’s important to understand the difference between your credit history and credit score. Your history is aggregate data related to your borrowing tendencies. In contrast, your […]

Benefits of Boosting Your Credit Score by 100 Points

boosting your credit score

What are 100 points when it comes to your credit score? After all, the rating scales go up to 850, so it isn’t a huge amount, right? Wrong! When you have a low personal credit score, that 100 point credit score gap can seem so much bigger. In some cases, it is a difference of […]
